Puddle claire seeps through cracks in the sidewalks and disappears for eternity, to flow through the cycle that water travels in.
First to the ground water, then pulled up in a well, used as irrigation water for crops, becoming runoff, to a stream, to a river, to an ocean.
Puddle claire takes to the sky, to sail as a light and happy, yet still terribly embarrassed cloud, carefree and happy but for a few utterly mortifying moments.
Puddle claire is then carried by the wind to gather over a small town in eastern Iowa, concentrating as a rainstorm, and then bursting forth as droplets to precipitate down.
Sheltered from the downpour, another little human being.
Someone embarrassed about some trivial mistake they made.
Sad about something heart-crushingly awful.
Angry, so angry they can’t stop the hot tears that flow.
They too melt into a puddle being, joining claire via the toilet system, runoff down a sidewalk, or perhaps tears into a sink.
Whatever it is, we all melt a little sometimes, and we get embarrassed and upset and hurt by stuff.
Life is a steamy kitchen, fire burning stoves and hair-singing heat. And life makes us melt.
But what we forget is that somewhere along the way in this cycle, this cycle where we and our emotions melt us into something we are not, we come back as a stronger human being.
The droplets collect in a puddle on the sidewalk, and claire emerges once again, a human being, a wonderful, inspired, weightlessly free person, happy to be who she is and no longer embarrassed or sad or angry.
Her water molecules are stronger now, and they take more heat to melt.
This is what we do.
It was just a sort of rough start back into the week. Long practices, difficult classes, it all happens. And I often joke with my friends about how I'm embarrassed and I've just melted on the spot. In the moment, I continued with the metaphor and just kept typing, and it turned into something kind of cool, something worth posting here.
It's okay to melt sometimes.
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