March 31, 2016

Shady Business

A while ago, there was a post circulating around on twitter and I have some things to say, some things to get out there.

"Like this picture and I will DM you a name. You will come back to this picture and write what you think about that person in the comment. (THE TRUTH) But you will not mention their name. So the only person who knows who you are talking about is you and me"
(Photo courtesy of Twitter.)

So a few people I follow posted it. Got a bunch of favorites. But if you read through alllll the replied comments, the shady things people had to say about each other, many of them were negative. A lot of them started with a compliment or something nice, but completely insulted whoever it was at the end. "intimidating," "rubs me the wrong way," "big heart but a big head." They're all subtle, but shady as hell. Some are outright insults, too. "Total fuckboy." "kind of a bitch." You scroll through them and wonder who it is. Is it you? Your friend? A teacher? The girl sitting next to you in your third hour? Should you tell someone? Do something? Based on the terrible hunch that someone is being hurt, even though the words never reach their ears?

The concept is... juicy. Sure. And I know I'm guilty. I vent. I talk shit with no intention of my words ever reaching other people. But NO NO NO. You can't post that stuff out there for people to see and get paranoid about. Same thing goes for that After School app that was going around for a while. I downloaded it for a bit, it seemed mostly positive, but I think people got tired of it.

I'm rambling. I'll stop.

The first step to creating the #KinderKennedy that we had a full school assembly about just days before these Twitter threads surfaced, is to not throw shade and insult each other on Twitter. Honesty is great. We could all be more honest. But we could also always be more kind. And there's a balance there. If what you have to say isn't kind, or true, don't say it. 

Gossip is some dangerous shit. It's tempting. It's dangerous. And it hurts. 

Let's not do this ever again, okay Twitter? Okay.

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